
Historic Photos from the 40’s and 50’s

Photos and text courtesy of Pat Henningsen

The Flood Family lived in the neighborhood for many years. One sister, Patsy Flood, still lives here. During our Centennial celebration in 1976, she gave me some of these pictures. That was our beloved concrete turtle which was up on the 23rd street side. You can see behind the turtle across 23rd street was the old Yellow Cab garage. Even though Fitler Square was not as lush and beautiful as it is today, it was still the gathering place for many families including my own.

Photos are: Pat Henningsen in 1948, Kelly Plumbing, One of the Floor Sisters in 1952, Ann Flood in 1957, One of the Flood Sisters in 1957, Peg Mooney with Marian Kelly & children in 1950.

Paul Hirshorn writes in 2012

Here are two pictures of me in Fitler Square, unrecognizable as a youth with an excess of hair, taken in 1951 when I was 10 years old. The dog belonged to the Cohn family who lived at 403 S. Croskey. Alan Cohn was my age and my best friend until he moved a few years later, as well as the photographer of these pictures using my Brownie camera.

The following photos are looking east. The street is 23rd st. The coke truck is parked on the side of what is now Dmitris. The concrete water fountain is in the same place as present day water. Trash containers on the 23rd st. sidewalk at Panama.